August 23, 2010

Bootleggers, walnuts, and nostalgia

Spearfish writer Lorraine Collins is a regular contributor to the Black Hills Pioneer newspaper, and we're delighted that she shares her column with us for Black Hills Monitor. She's touched upon a wide range of topics, and this time she writes about "Taking America what?" You may contact Lorraine at

An elderly gent I know told me that when he was a kid Prohibition was still in force, so he and his pals would get on their bikes and ride through their small town in northwestern South Dakota on Sunday morning to gather up half pint whiskey bottles that had been emptied on Saturday night. They would return the bottles to the bootlegger for cash. I guess this is an early example of recycling.

The bootlegger he dealt with ran a lumberyard and stashed his whiskey in a pile of sawdust at the back of the yard. He says, "If the police wanted to know who the bootleggers were, all they had to do was ask a kid."

Stories like this always make me think of how much society has changed over the course of the last 75 years or so. There are many small differences that we may not think of very often but eventually they add up to big changes. For instance, I watched a TV weatherman the other evening who spoke of "half dollar sized hail." That surprised me, because I haven't seen a half dollar coin in years and I wondered if anybody else has. Why did the half dollar disappear from ordinary commerce? Maybe it's because of all those vending machines that have slots that can take quarters or dollar bills, but not half dollars.

In any case, I thought that "half dollar size" hail was rather quaint until I read a report in the "100 years ago" section of the newspaper in which a fellow reported hail stones "the size of walnuts."

We don't hear of walnut-sized hail anymore because we rarely see a whole walnut in the shell, except maybe occasionally at Christmas. Otherwise, we buy plastic sacks of walnut pieces. So now our reporters say that hail was the size of ping pong balls, or golf balls or even baseballs, but not walnuts. The fact that people out here in the west are more familiar with golf balls than walnuts is just one more indication of how our neighborhood has changed over the course of a century.

It's the gradual realization of how much life has changed, and how complicated it seems to be these days, that leads us to long for the good old days. We think that everything was much simpler when the biggest criminal in town was a part time bootlegger and no one had yet heard of crack cocaine or meth. It's easy to become nostalgic for the time that Norman Rockwell depicted so well in Saturday Evening Post covers when neighborhoods and families seemed wholesome, intact, and benign. It's a pleasant, if unrealistic, vision and politicians sometimes exploit our nostalgia. They persuade us that the country has lost some essential values and talk about trying to get the nation to return to some past idyllic time.

Yet when we cling to the idea of the past, we're investing it with a virtue it may not have had. Those good old days included racial segregation, discrimination against women and, often, limiting children's education to no more than the 8th grade so they could go to work and help support the family. A lot of things were going on behind those white picket fences that the public either didn't know about or ignored, including domestic violence, alcoholism, and child abuse. People with physical or mental disabilities were parked in institutions or hidden in back bedrooms. There wasn't a lot of help for the elderly or families in need.

So we shouldn't get carried away with nostalgia, no matter how complex and hazardous life seems to be these days. Politicians who rely on our longing to return to what we think of as a simpler and more comprehensible life aren't really offering us a clear eyed view of the past. When I hear them talk about "taking America back" I just wonder, taking America back to what?

August 3, 2010

Students and athletes

Writer Lorraine Collins of Spearfish offers her perspective on recent developments at Black Hills State University and the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology regarding their new status in the NCAA. Her articles are published in the Black Hills Pioneer, and we thank her for allowing us to post them on Black Hills Monitor.
Not too long ago I was driving down the road listening to South Dakota Public Radio as I usually do and I heard a telephone interview with the fellow who had just been hired by the University of South Dakota to be their Athletic Director. USD had recently been approved by the National Collegiate Athletic Association to be a "Division I" school, and everyone seemed excited about that. This fellow had some experience in Division I schools, so he'd been hired to help USD go through the transition process to become a full fledged member in a couple of years or so.

One caller asked the new AD if he could expand the sports program to include hockey and the fellow said he wasn't sure because the NCAA required schools to have a women's sports program equal to men's and to offer equivalent athletic scholarships. After the long struggle to get Title IX enforced, I was happy to hear this. Later when I went to USD's website to check on things, I discovered that the university actually offers more women's sports than men's. Both men and women are offered basketball, track and field, cross country, golf and swimming and diving. The only thing men have that women don't is football. Women have soccer, softball, tennis and volleyball. I tend to believe that the university has to offer those four women's sports to try to equal the amount spent on football. But that's just a suspicion.

Since Black Hills State University and the School of Mines & Technology have both just excitedly announced that they have been accepted into Division II of the NCAA, I wondered how their sports programs shape up. So I visited their websites, too. BHSU offers more women than men's sports but SDSM&T offers an equal number. It's interesting that all of these schools, in making their thrilling announcements about being accepted into a Division of the NCAA, immediately said they were going to have to raise a lot more money. One report indicated that SDSM&T's scholarship funds will need to more than double from $500,000 to more than a million.

Being in Division I or II of the NCAA means that schools are going to have to concentrate their fund raising efforts on offering scholarships to recruit athletes. Whether this should be the priority for our state supported institutions of higher education is a good question. I was surprised to read a statement by the Athletic Director of the School of Mines saying that about 65% of the school's athletes are from out of state. I presume this means that about 65% of the School of Mines athletic scholarships are given to students from out of state. This is something that alumni and donors may want to think about when they are asked to support athletic scholarships. I hope that scholarships for science, art, music, mathematics, drama, education, English and the like do not suffer because everyone is pouring money into sports scholarships.

The NCAA has many rules and requirements, one of which is that member schools must have a fulltime Athletic Director, which neither BHSU nor the School of Mines had until they began to make application for Division II status. There will no doubt be a number of other costs associated with achieving full membership in the Division, including getting associated with Division II conference and competing with schools in other states.

If BHSU and Mines join the Northern Sun Conference, they'll be with schools from North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska. If they find their way to the Rocky Mountain Conference they'll be with schools from Nebraska, Colorado and New Mexico.

I suppose the least we can do is congratulate the schools on meeting the challenge of NCAA membership, while hoping that the schools don't lose track of what they are supposed to be doing for students who are not athletes.


Lorraine Collins is a writer who lives in Spearfish. She can be contacted at